Breakfast is one of the most important times for consuming protein. A high protein breakfast will help to curb your appetite and help ward off sugar cravings later in the day. It will also kick-start your muscle growth and recovery after an overnight fast. However, according to the Australian National Nutrition survey, a majority of Aussies consume low-protein choices, such as toast with spread, milk and processed cereal.

Now we understand, not everyone has the time to prepare a café-style eggs breakfast at home, especially during the working week. With that in mind, we have listed 5 high protein, lower carb breakfast options to help you achieve your weight loss/strength building goals.

  1. High protein breakfast smoothie:
    One of the most convenient breakfasts going around – you can have it in the car or even on the train! For a lower carb, high protein smoothie, we recommend using a ‘clean’ protein powder, and choosing either low sugar fruits (i.e. berries), or limiting higher-sugar fruits to ½ serve (i.e. banana). Some top combinations include:

    1. 1 cup of frozen berries, 1 handful of chopped kale, ¼ avocado, 1 scoop of natural WPI, and almond milk.
    2. 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 handful of spinach, 1 heaped tsp tahini, 1 scoop of natural WPI, cinnamon, water and ice.
  2. Nutty granola with high protein yoghurt
    A perfect combination of creamy, crunchy, sweet and salt! Gather 4 cups of mixed nuts and seeds, 1 cup of coconut flakes, 2tsp vanilla, 2tsp ground cinnamon, ½ tsp salt and 1tsp granulated stevia (optional). Drizzle with 2tbs grapeseed oil, toss to coat. Spread nutty mixture across 1-2 large baking trays, and bake at 180C for 20 minutes, or until nice and toasty. Serve 1/3 cup granola with 1 cup of high protein Greek yoghurt and fresh passionfruit or berries.
  3. High protein grazing plate
    We love this no-prep breakfast option – simply serve 50g smoked salmon with ¼ avocado, ½ cup of cottage cheese and baby spinach leaves. This breakfast is also a good source of cholesterol-lowering healthy fats!
  4. High protein breakfast loaf
    This is a perfect Sunday afternoon recipe, to provide a week’s worth of fuss-free breakfasts. Preheat oven to 180C. To a food processor, add ½ cup mixed nuts and ½ cup mixed seeds. Process until ground. To this mixture, add 1.5 cups of almond meal, ½ cup flaxseed meal, 2tbs coconut flour, 1.5tso baking soda and ½ tsp salt. Pulse until combined. In a separate bowl, combine ¾ cup almond milk, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup melted coconut oil, 1tbs apple cider vinegar and 1tbs honey. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients in your food processor (or large bowl), and blend until combined. Line a bread tin with baking paper, pour in the ‘bread’ mix, and sprinkle the top with extra crushed nuts and seeds. Bake at 180C for 45-50 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the middle of the loaf comes out clean. Leave to cool completely before removing from tin. Store in an airtight container for 5 days, or freeze.Serve one thick slice with ricotta or cottage cheese and a drizzle of honey
  5. Salmon breakfast frittata muffin:
    Similarly to our breakfast loaf, these muffins are great to prepare in bulk over the weekend. Preheat oven to 180C. Whisk 6 eggs with 1/3 cup milk. Stir through 100g tinned salmon, 1 small grated zucchini, 1 handful of shredded spinach, 1 tbs chopped chives and 80g crumbled fetta. Pour into 6 muffin trays lined with baking paper. Bake for 20 minutes, until golden and firm. Enjoy two muffins per serve.